BlehpEx Treatment
Eye Desire and Roth Eye Care are excited to announce that we are now performing the BlephEx™ treatment. BlephEx™is a revolutionary new device for doctors to use in the treatment of blepharitis. BlephEx™stands for microblepharoexfoliation, a painless procedure that safely and effectively removes the debris/scurf/dandruff, excess bacteria and biofim that is responsible for the majority of low-grade inflammatory blepharitis, the primary cause of chronic dry eye disease.

Please give us a call at 305-673-1211 to set up your appointment to alleviate your blepharitis and dry eye symptoms!


Learn more about blephex and blepharitis here!


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You can text our Miami Beach office at 305-673-1211 or our downtown office at 305-374-5127

Our downtown location will be temporarily closed from Dec 18, 2023 to January 22, 2024 for building inspections and repairs.

We will be seeing all of our patients out of the Miami Beach location, Eye Desire, located at 1000 17th Street Miami Beach FL 33139.

We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.

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