Miami Beach Lipiflow
In office treatment for Dry Eye caused by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.

The TearScience® LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System, is a medical device used by physicians in addressing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

TearScience® LipiFlow® has been shown to increase gland secretion threefold, on average, with just one treatment.
How the TearScience® LipiFlow® System Works

  1. First, your eye doctor will use the LipiScan imaging device to examine your Meibomian glands. This will help your doctor make a diagnosis, which may involve additional testing.
  2. If it’s determined that you do have MGD, you can proceed with receiving the 12-minute LipiFlow treatment. Before it begins, your doctor will use numbing drops (the same ones routinely used at yearly eye exams) to help ease any potential discomfort from the procedure.
  3. Next, the system’s activators—dome-shaped, single-use sterile devices—are placed on your eyes. Their vaulted shape keeps your corneas protected during the treatment, which focuses on the inner eyelids, where the Meibomian glands are located.
  4. Using what’s called Vector Thermal Pulsation technology, the activators send heat into the glands inside your lids. This combination of heat plus pressure massages any blockages and liquefies and clears the obstructions that are causing your symptoms.

Studies show that while some patients experience some pain or discomfort from the procedure, the majority find it very tolerable.

Not sure if lipiflow is the right treatment for you? Dr. Roth can let you know if you are a good candidate at your annual eye exam or come in anytime for a dry eye consultation.